Cambridge Montessori Global School

Preparatory/Primary Programme

(8-11 yrs. age, grade 3-5)

The Cambridge Montessori Global School nurtures distinctive needs/interests of the child to help him identify his life as an individual and integrates that to the formal education. We foster a natural curiosity and love for learning in them; as well provide a channelized environment for initiation of the elementary subjects.

      At CMGS, we believe in active participation of children in every aspect of the school life with engaging learning experiences, based on real & meaningful settings which can stimulate their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. We cultivate a positive, supportive and collaborative work-culture for a happy, vibrant, reflective and joyful learning environment.

The Curriculum is designed to ensure full and harmonious development of the children, unfolding their moral, cultural, intellectual and physical aspects and preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of the adult life.  In addition to the acquisition of the basic skills of literacy, arithmetic and natural/social sciences; the CMGS provides ample opportunities for Games & Sports, Community participation and Extra-curricular activities for the children to emanate as an all-rounded personality.